August '07

Fill i Xicota en Mas de Barberans

Alex and Sara got the plane down to Reus the day after we had arrived and settled into a house across the small square that we live in. Once we got them out of bed each morning, (or afternoon) they spent their time up at Bar Mario, down at our Mill, or hammering our Internet connection as they kept up to date with all their friends.

On their first anniversary, we took them up to Port Adventura and let them loose on the rides, while we spent a lazy day on the beach.

The next week our Yurt (from Woodland Yurts) arrived and was carted down to the Mill for a test construction. Although it looked daunting at first sight, the excellent DVD showed us how to put it together in the correct order and after less than 2 hours we had finished it.

It is 4 meters wide and we have a small log burning stove to keep it warm. It will be used as a summer house and pool room when the Mill is finished. Until then, we will use it as a base of operations while the building work is underway.

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