July '07



Drove back to the UK to visit family and friends and to go to Womad. We got to Henley just after the floods in the west country. The Thames was high, but did not breach its banks as some people expected.


After some lovely early summer weather in Catalunya, we drove back to England at the end of June to go to WOMAD. We spent a couple of days in the new apartment in Henley before driving down to Charlton Park in Gloucestershire. The drive down was wet and soon after we finished erecting our tent, the heavens opened and we had a huge downpour of rain. By the time it finished, the campsite was awash and all the access roads looked like muddy rivers.
By the evening, the weather had settled down and we watched the late comers struggle through the mud to erect their tents and see the spaces between the tents slowly get swallowed up as more and more people arrived for the weekend.

Photo Thanks

Top left & right, bottom right and
Mick courtesy of Jane L.

The next day we waded through a mud slick to find a viewpoint near the main stage and beer tent so we could settle down to watch the first bands, meet our friends and drink some beer.
This seemed to set the tone for the next three days as the mud was too deep to make it worth visiting other stages, so we met at the same spot each day, drank, chatted and watched the bands.


We spent a couple of weeks catching up with events at Teh Unicron and finding a flat in Southsea for our xicot (boy). Below are Teh Unicron clubmembers enjoying one of the few warm evenings outside the club.

Our last event before returning to Mas de Barberans, was Iain & Sharons party on the last day of the Wargrave regatta. A hogroast, lots of booze and friends we only meet once a year. Memorable, as always.

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