September '09

La Vuelta cones to Mas

This year the Spanish version of the Tour de France, "La Vuelta" rode passed Mas de Barberans. Watching the police outriders try to outdo each other in carrying speed into the hairpin at the bottom of the hill was an impressive sight. Then, quicker than you can get the camera to take pictures, they have all raced by. Still it was fun while it lasted.

Three Dog Days

So there I am looking out onto the steps below our fllat when this skinny little puppy looks around and wanders down the steps. I nipped outside with some ham, to find him watching me mournfully, like he knew he wasn't going to get the meat. Anyway, he did, and we decided to take him down to the finca to stay with Dozer and the newly reclaimed Theo. The brothers immediately took him under their collective wings and he settled down to regular meals and not having to be chained up all the time.

Soon he was gaining weight and had enough energy to chase and fight with both of the others. After a bit of thought, we have decided to call him Boris.
It is nice having a pack of dogs again.

Rosa and Sari were playing with Sari's nephew Marcel who had a bubble gun. An opportunity to video bubbles. ;)

I took this with my new (second hand) 10-20mm Sigma lens. Hmmm, must take more landscapes.

This is the first crop from our chillies. Two of these make for a Madras heat level sauce. There are plenty more to come.