June '13

The Second Coming

Early June say the arrival of my parents as well as that of our son Alex.It is the second time my parents have visited, so it was wonderful to be able to show them the new house. Luckily, the weather was just right, so we all had a great time showing them around and generally site-seeing.

Finca workings

While our son was here, the two of us used the tractor with the palla to move a load of large rocks up to our main entrance on the finca. I then got the digger out to roll the rocks around and made a triangular centrepiece to the entrance, tidying up what had been an annoying pile of stones into something a bit prettier.


That pesky moon just keeps on wanting to be photographed. Still learning the technique.

Cloudy Weather

PG spotted this weather front sweeping over the village from off the mountains behind us. Perfect timing.

Gecko Alert

PG got this brilliant photo of a gecko as it sunned itself on a rock in the finca. Top shot. I'm not going to need to take any pictures soon.

Another day

Another vulture. This one skimmed over our house before soaring out over the plain in front of us. I still need to get closer to them to get a really good shot.

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