October '13

The Dog with No Name.

A new girl appeared at the finca in the middle of October. To begin with we were a bit wary in case she was already pregnant and looking for somewhere safe to have her puppies, so we gave her the above title rather than a one word name. Once it was clear that she really liked us and wanted to stay, wasn't pregnant and got on well with the other dogs (House, Cleo & Piglet) we officially adopted her and shortened her name to "wnn" pronounced "win". She is from shepherd stock and has one extra toe on her right rear foot. I think the other girls like her because her thicker coat helps keep them warm in the kennel at night.

Winter Sunrise

The winter sunrises are always the best ones of the year. The sun gets a chance to really light up the clouds as it comes up over the sea and the bedroom is filled with this view. (I have put in extra large images just 'cos I like them so much)

The rainbow is a reminder that it isn't always good weather here.

Country Life

We could hear the sheep from our house and there they were, just a few terraces down.
In the finca we have started to burn the chupones that we have chipped off the bottom of the trees. I am ploughing in the weeds and grass as we go, so it is all a bit of a rush.

Measles ?

I knew that I had to get the grasscutter out when Piglet started coming back looking like this. Normally her coat sheds burrs easily, but she is getting a bit overwhelmed running amonst all the tall sundried weeds.
My bad.

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