February '10

Is Winter Over ??

Not sure of the answer just yet, but the signs are looking up. At least now it is just really windy with occasional rain. Which makes a change from the last few months.
The villagers threw off the sloth of January when the womenof the village held their annual lunch and dance bash in Bar Mario. We only happenned across it by chance just as the disco was starting, but PG was much reprimanded for not attending the meal, and made to join in with lots of the dancing (see the Samba line). Florin went down a storm and only just managed to retreat behind the bar unscathed.


PG & I dragged ourselves down to the train station to go to Valencia for Valentines day weekend. We stayed in a small hotel just north of the station and spend our time walking all round the old quarter and window shopping to our hearts content. I liked the old quarter a lot. It was reasonably compact and had some of the most amazing architechture hidden within it. The marble fronted building was commissioned by a wealthy merchant dynasty. There are a lot more pictures of Valencia on its own page.

Food Market

I got to visit the covered food market, which was amazing. Some people like churches and museums. Personally, I like food markets. This one is unreal. It's the biggest covered fresh food market in Europe and the quality of the produce has to be seen to be believed. Acres of beautifully displayed produce from all over Spain, although a lot is local. All the veg shone with freshness. The Butchers shelves were overflowing with every meat you could think of. This guy had his fair share of Jamon.

Then it was back to the finca for more work.

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