February '13

Ladies that lunch

At the beginning of February, the Masobers ladies club got together for their annual lunch. This was the second year PG had been, so she had some idea what to expect. Our new friend Carol want for the first time and was soon in the swing of it (after several glasses of Cava that is). Starting at 2.30 in one of the village restaurants, the girls managed to keep going until after 8pm by which point the noise could be heard all over the village. On of the waiters nearly lost his clothes and the dancing was quite energetic given that some of the village ladies seem to enjoy their lunches rather a lot

Wind and More Wind

This has been by far the windiest start to the year that we have experienced. Usually we get mistral gales that last about a 4-5 days at a time. This year there has been very little let up since the middle of January. The wind just keeps on blowing and it has been much colder than usual. This has put a severe crimp on our finca work, especially pruning the trees. Normally I could have made a good start to this seasons pruning, but given the cold and high winds, it has not been possible to do anything like that. Unfortunately it will mean that we won't get all the trees pruned this year, so we will have to concentrate on the worst terraces and leave the slighty less overgrown ones

Casa Hale

Is beginning to look more lived in week by week as we get more lights fitted and pictures on the walls. The log burning stoves are doing a great job of keeping us warm without using too much wood, which has made stitting out the cold and windy weather a lot less painfull than it would have been in the flat.

Our Olive Oil

After several years hard work, we have finally had our first batch of olive oil bottled for sale in the UK. Just under 500 litres of extra virgin olive oil has been put into 500ml bottles and labelled up with our own labels.
It is an exceptionally good quality with a lovely fresh flavour and very low acidity. Lets hope that we can sell it and recoup our production costs. If you want to by some click here Our Olive Oil. It is available in single bottles as well as boxes of 6 bottles. All are carefully wrapped and packaged. The couriers are a 24 hour service if you order it before 11am.

Return to the UK

We made a second trip to the UK in late February to ship some of our oil to the couriers we are using and to sell as much as we could. The trip across the mountains behind Bilbao was rather snowy, but the roads were passable. We managed to get this shot of a service station. I'm surprised Apple aren't sueing them over the name.

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