July '13

Swimming Pool Wall and Path

Earlier this year, there was a small landslip on the hill behind the swimming pool after some heavy rain. In response, a huge amount of earth was dug away and then this new pair of retaining walls were built. Hopefully they will stop any problems in the future.
Now the village swimming pool has been opened for the summer, we are getting used to the climb up the path that leads to the village, ending on the road at the left side of our house. It starts on the right of the car park and runs up right side of the middle picture before disappearing into the dark tunnel. When you climb the steps under the trees, you can see our hous. This bit of the path gives you a chance to get your breath back before the near vertical section that leads up past our house.

Wild Boar

Well it has been six years in the waiting, but eventually, my wild boars did show themselves. We have looked fro the everywhere and never seen any. other friends spot them while the are driving into Tortosa, but us, nada.
Anyway, I was working on the sprouting growth under trees on the hill and had my ear defenders on when out the corner of my eye I caught sight of what I first thought where strange dogs. As soon as I turned to look, I realised that there was a mother boar and four piglets standing checking me out. Our dogs arrived and the boar ran off through the long grass almost before I could get my phone out my pocket. Before they left, mother boar turned and made very it clear to our dogs that her piglets where off the menu then they all set off across the finca and up the barranc towards the mountains behind us.


The terrace is just the best place to chill out, especially now we have got some plants coming on. Chillis and Lemon Grass do well here. Basil, Parsley and Mint are just kitchen essentials and the Geraniums and Hibiscus give it some colour.
Are you sitting comfortably. In the middle picture, you can see that PG has got her Ercol lounging chair out, which is where she posts all those forum messages from while she enjoys the view. :)

Medieval & Soap

Tortosa has a yearly summer festival celebrating medieval times. Most of the action takes place after dark and it is swelteringly hot and humid so we don't normally go but, because we were shopping for our favourite coffee beans (Killamanjaro), we thought we would look around the stalls in Tortosa's old quarter as our friend Lynn had her stall "Siempre Soap" and was selling her beautifull hand made artisanal soaps.



PG has been looking after our hibiscus on our terrace and took these pictures. We are pleased to see it like this, because House had chewed it badly in the early spring after I had given it a prune.

Happy House

Surrounded by his toys.

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