September '07

Peace again

We didn't seem to do much about September (thats what comes from looking after your kids), but I'm sure whatever we did was good. The temperature has not dropped much below 30c since June and there has only been a couple of rain showers.

We went to the beach at St. Carles de la Rapita several times. This is our nearest seaside town. It has some very good seafood restaurants, a marina and a series of small beaches each with a bar and toilets which are backed by a very nice promenade. As St. Carels is within the southern end of the Ebro delta, there is fine sand on the beaches, which shelve gently out to sea. If the wind is in the wrong quarter, it can stir the water making it a tad soupy, so its no good for snorkelling etc.

Barranc de Galera



The rest of the month was spent playing around the Mill and putting our Yurt and barbeque to good use.

Alex & Sara returned to the UK on the 12th, to move into their flat and arrange the furniture they were having delivered, get a phone line so they could phone us for money and also arrange their broadband connection so they could message us for money. (hehe)

Back Online

We have been Internet-less as our 3G modem had pegged out on us at the middle of August and Vodafone decided to take ages to arrange for it to be fixed. We eventually got it back in working order in the middle of October, which explains why I am typing this up nearly two months after the event and cannot remember much of anything.

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