February '12

Tractor Stickers

"Mr Pink" our tractor has started his International sticker collection with some excellent ones from Melbourne and the Confederate USA. We are looking for anyone who is travelling to send us unusual stickers from foreign lands.


Some of the walls have now been insulated with a resin based foam. Unfortuneately, the high winds blow the foam around, so they had to stop after the first morning's work. The stairs to the upper floor are now being built. As soon as the wind drops the builders will get to start on the roof.


We have a frequent visitor to the finca. He looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback and is quite timid. As far as we can make out, he actually lives at the finca behind ours. He has been christened "Extra Red" for obvious reasons.

Our mutts have been enjoying the warmer weather that arrived last week. These pictures were taken at the weekend. Theo had his third birthday on the 23rd February.

My Brother the Poet

My brother David has had a selection of his poems printed in a booklet called "The Last Walking Stick Factory" which is published by the Happenstance Press. The link has a sample poem on it and the booklet has been a great success, with only a few copies still available. So buy one now or miss out. We are looking forward to his next book which will be themed on people.

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