April '11

G. Pa's Birthday Party

Pondgirl's father John was 80 at the beginning of the month and a large family party had been arranged for him at his golf club. We flew in the day before Pondson came up from Plymouth and we all had a great time. The cake was decorated with a hand of bridge (he is a very good player) and the immediate famly had clubbed together to buy two lovely prints of the aircraft carriers that he did his National Service on. It was great to see his reaction as he opened the prints and then hear him talk about his experiences on board.
It was a flying visit for me and I was back in Mas the next day, while PG stayed on for a few days to see family and friends.

"El Gato" Manuel's Puppy

Manuel drove up to the bar we had just lunched at with a sick puppy on the passenger seat. While he went in for a drink, we took it out and gave it some of the water we had. He was very thirsty and just looking very sad.
A few days later, after a good worming, he was perky as anything.

Misty for me

It has been a cooler mistier Spring than usual, although we have not had a lot of rain up until the end of this month (more of which later). It certainly maker pruning easier to do, although if you try collecting the cutting, your gloves get soaked throgh in minutes

The Rain Man Cometh

Well, when it did rain it did so with a vengance. It started Thursday 21st during the afternoon and went into the night accompanied by the most tremendous thunder storm (again, more of which later).
By the morning, we had had 65mm rain and by the end of the weekend we had had over double that. In Spanish terms, that wasn't a lot, but it was enough to collapse a dirt slope onto the cars below in the new car park opposite the village Adjuntament.
The barranc started flowing past the our finca immediately and kept it up for the next 10 days, which just showed how much rain had fallen on the hills behind us.
The van is still in the car park and likely to stay there by the look of things.

Log On

This years pruning has produced some great wood for our log pile. Keeping it all cut up into firewood, feels like painting the Forth Rail Bridge.

Cloud or Mist ?

Another lovely bank of cloud hiding our finca from the early morning sun. The difference from the bright sunshine at the village and the misty trees above was quite surreal.

Els Gats

Bad cats

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