May '10


More finca flowers, friends and food. They watered down the soil they had dumped into the cut last month, then an interpid botanist absailed down the face planting trees and bushes as he went.
After a cold spell, the weather picked up and Bep, Clara & Gaia came down to the almacen so Bep could should us how to cook a paella properly. His paella was delicious, but I am still not sure I can cook one just right. More practice needed.
The flowers are in full bloom now. Even the lilies outside Richard & Mary's. The olive groves look at their wildest at the moment. There is still a lot of pruning to be done, as well as clearing the land underneath the trees. Still there were signs that we were doing the right things.

Festes '10

And the floats come out to amuse. It's the start of the village festes (fiesta). This year, the weather was a bit overcast for the parade of floats, but at least it had stopped raining.

After previous festes, we took things easy and did the minimum of partying, but still had a great time. Didn't go to the bullring at all this year. It was windy, and friends beckoned from indoors.


Theo getting a well earned rub, while Cleo looks on, unwilling to participate. She still will not let anyone human touch her.

Village Wedding

Not sure whose wedding this is, but it is definitely a cracker.

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