September '13

We're on a Boat

Alex joined us for a week in the beginning of the month in between his Sri Lankan trip and starting his final year at Plymouth University. By chance, friends had invited us out on their 40+ft motor cruiser which was at the new Marine in St. Carles de Rapita. When we all got there and started motoring out into the bay Mike got on the radio and arranged a meet with another boat they knew. It turned out to be a Princess 67 that dwarfed Mike & Joan's yacht when we pulled alongside.
Then it was party on.

The floating sofa was a great success. After hosting a cava party, it was the basis for high speed rides round the bay. In between times, there was some very professional watersking performed , an impromptu rave on the front deck (I belive the video is available from other websites) as well as lots of jumping off the highest bits of the boat into the sea.
Alex even got to put his new boating qualifications into practice by being allowed to pilot the larger craft back to the marina while we went back with our friends.

Inundation UK

Unfortunately, while PG's parents were away on holiday, the water tank in their house overflowed and soaked both the bedroom and the kitchen below it. PG immediately arranged to fly back with Alex and help out with the insurance, builders, etc.. It had not been a huge flood, but everything was ruined and needed replacing.
At least PG was able to do a bit of shopping and meet a very nice old dog and join in Roger's birthday celebrations.

BTW check out Aunty Barbara's T-shirt slogan...

Chipping Away

As we are now working over 800 trees, chipping the sucker growth (pollisos, chupones) is a herculean task for 1-2 people. One person does between 5-7 per hour. The trees that we were just starting to work had a lot of large undergrowth that needed a chainsaw to cut out. The other 500+ just need the adze like chipping axe and lots of back breaking work. House was always on hand to drag branches around.
With effort, I managed to finish the last 260 trees while PG was in England. Now all we have to do is burn all the cuttings and then we can plough, roll and get ready to what few olives we have on our trees this year.


This not so little beauty turned up on our terrace at the very end of the month. PG got these pictures and id'ed him as an Egyptian Grasshopper, probably female. Damned neat really.

Sunday Sunrise

And off to work I go, but it does make for a wonderful start to your day.

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