June '08

Back to a busy life again.

Back to the Old Country

First off was a rapid trip back to the UK to collect some of the remaining stuff that was in my parents loft. We took a country route up and down through France, which proved much more enjoyable than thrashing up and down the motorways. Unfortunately we only had just enough time in England to see friends and families, but no more, but as we will be back in middle of July, we had decided that was the best option.
On our return, we could see that Manolo and his everchanging team of builders had finished the barn and we could start moving things into it, which was a great relief. The day after we got back, a friend came to stay in the village for the weekend, so we did the touristy thing and took time to show him the village and the local area.

Village Festes

The celebration of St Joan meant more midnight barbeques and lots of fireworks being let off in the typically dangerous Spanish manner. A cuople of weeks before them was Corpus Christi when the village gets decorated in coloured salt drawings and the priest goes around blessing various alters which have been specially erected. It is also a traditional time for children to get confirmed.


Unusually, the barranc was still full of water till the last week in June, which meant I had the opportunity to take a swim in it at the bridge by the Moli. The water was very warm as it had been tumbling down sunny rocks for about 5 kilometres at that point. Others have reported that it is very cold further up the barranc.

Last day of term

Last day of termIt was the last day of our first year at Escola D'Idiomes where we were having Catalan lessons. Our Profesora, Dolores, decided that we would all make food for breakfast and then walk around one of the hills behind Tortosa. The breakfast was brilliant, with food from Columbia, Peru, Morroco, Pakistan, China, Catalunya and Greece (My contribution).


In the last weekend of the month, we took time out to make our first trip to Barcelona where we were guided around by friends who showed us all the main sites including the Sagrada Familia, Parc Guell and Montjuic. They also got us in to one of the best Flamenco clubs in the city and took us to an amazing fusion restaurant where we had one of the best meals of our lives.
On the last night, we watched the Euro 2008 final, which Spain won. The Barcelona night was immediately filled with car horns and fireworks. No-one celebrates like the Spanish.

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