June '07

The surveyor arrived at last. Hurray.
On Saturday morning, we went down to the Mill at 8.30am and their van was parked up on the ridge above our property. His partner set up his equipment on the best viewpoint on the ridge and Ricardo moved around the property methodically recording key points and marking them with pink paint. By lunchtime they had measured about three quarters of the land and said they would call us theis week to confirm when they will come back to finish surveying the land and measure up the Mill.
The Jacaranda trees had started to bloom in Tortosa, and a rose has also flowered beside the front door at the Mill. The vulture was one of a crowd circling over Mas de Barberans.

One of our neighbours when we were at the Casa Rural "Can Pla" dropped by with a present of his home made Aguadiente, flavoured with soft fruits and herbs. I'm not allowed to touch it until after August, but it looks beautiful in the drinks cabinet.

This week my parents visited us for a few days. They stayed at the Tortosa Parador and we drove them round the local area, showing them the sights and villages. They loved the Mill, Mas de Barberans and southern Catalunya as a whole. At the end of their four day stay, I was a bit tired from driving so much, but it was nice to show them where we have made our new home.

One day we drove up to the Terra Alta wine region and looked around some of the towns. This cooperative was at Pineil de Brai was designed be one of students of Gaudi.

On Sunday, we were told that there was going to be a special parade round the village for the children who had been confirmed the previous Sunday. several streets in the village were decorated with designs made from coloured salt, flowers and leaves and tables with offerings.

The month finished off with me making a flying trip to the UK for 1 day to have a meeting and take the chance to see our son and meet some friends. PG has had the worst sore throat and cold I have seen for a long time. Strange when the temperatures are in the 30's.

Spot the similarity.

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