June '09

And it was hot

Very hot. We went straight from a dry spring into a roasting early summer. Daytime temperatures rarely dipped below 32c and the nights were in the mid 20's. As we were still pruning olives, we have had to start piling the cutting up near where we will make the fires when the wetter weather arrives in November. We were very glad to get the grass and flowers cut before the real risk of summer fires started.


Floozie slipped her collar one Sunday night in early June, to chase something. In the morning we got down to the finca to find her dead. She had run in front of a car and been run over. Thankfully it looked like she had been killed outright, and whoever did it was kind enough to put her on our land. She now rests under our favourite olive tree.
Having kept Dozer and Trotski from Floozies litter, they had a great time around the finca and its environs, until one morning they looked at each other and took off across the finca. Come the evening and Dozer appeared on his own. Trotski hasn't been seen since. We assume someone saw him as a stray good looking puppy and took him home.

So now Dillun is taking a proper parental interest in Dozer and likes to take him on his rounds of the local neighbourhood fincas and their dogs. Oh that we had a "Dogcam" to see what they get up to. Later in the year, we will get another young dog to keep Dozer company. Until then he will just have to manage with Dillun.

Corpus Christi

Lots of kids were confirmed this Corpus Christi, as seems to have been a bit of a baby boom in Mas in the year 2000 and now it was theri turn to get confirmed. The villagers made the usual salt paintings to decorate the streets.

With this heat, it will certainly be a pleasure when the village swimming pool opens at the end of the month.
Let's see what July promises.