March '07

Back Home to Mas de barberans

As we had to leave the car in the UK, we flew back to Reus and got the train from Tarragona down to Tortosa. It was after 7pm by the time we piled into a taxi for the 15 minute drive to Mas de Barberans.
En route we chatted to the taxi driver in pigden Spanish and he enthused about the quality of the "Carne" in Mas de Barberans. Before we knew it, he was on the phone to his wife saying where he was heading and getting orders for what to buy in the butchers for their supper.
After big hugs from Rosa, we sloped up to "Mario's" and drank a few beers while we caught up on local goings on and talked about the unusually cold weather. Little did we know then, that bad weather was going to stay with us until the middle of April.

It was another couple of weeks before our apartment landlord Ximo let us know that we could move into after the weekend. We called our removals company to arrange to pick up our "first delivery" box's and drove the new Peugot Rancho down to Castillon to raid their "El Corte Inglese" department store for some bedding and other essentials like a kettle (They are like gold dust in Spain)
On the Monday, we moved into the apartment and soon after the weather settled into a month long spell of rain and yet more rain. Unfortunately, our son and his girlfriend had booked flights to come out to see the new family estate at the end of the month.

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