March '14

Back from the Future

With the sterling help from our new Internet hosting company,, and its ever resourceful manager Kev, we have started the long process of dragging The Water Margin into a modern phone / tablet friendly design, something that was way past my coding ability. So, over the coming months I am putting together 9 years of updates on our life and times here in sunny Catalunya.

View from our Window

Sunrise over the Ebro delta can be spectacular and worth waking up for. Today's wasn't the most vibrant, but enough to make you look forward to the coming day (especially a morning cup of coffee).
Once the sun had risen the view was as good as it gets, clear and haze free all the way to the sea 24 miles away.

Garden Cleared

With the good weather and a handy rotovator, we have cleared the terrace below our house ready for planting. We are not sure what we will do with it, most probably just let the grass grow, as growing vegetables is not my forte.

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