March '13


Having left Mas at the very end of February with a car load of Our Olive Oil, we arrived in Henley and spent some time visiting families and friends as well as setting up the distribution arrangement for our oil.

First stop was PG's parents house where we had Sunday lunch and watched the naughty squirrels raiding GM's bird feeder, much to her annoyance.

Then it was a trip to London to visit Penny's brother and his family and see their new house in Chiswick, which was lovely (and extremely big). Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get pictures of the very large fox that sauntered through their garden while we were eating lunch, or the parakeet that landed in their neighbours apple tree.

Finally we squeezed in a visit to my sister who had prepared a delicious lunch for us and our parents in their new house. All these new houses. It seems to be catching. These three pictures are all taken in the same room, their extended kitchen, dining room and day lounge.

Unsurprisingly for Britain in March, the weather wasn't too good outside.

Back in Mas

We took over dogsitting duty from our friends Florin & Ramona who had been staying at No. 11 and looking after House. Now it was our turn to look after their English Bulldog Akon while they went back to Romania for a few weeks. House & he are great friends and they had a wonderful time at home and down in the finca.


Sometimes it is difficult to believe that we have managed to get No. 11 finished and have a wonderful place to live and views from the terrace to die for.


There was a good moon this month and I had the opportunity to get a couple of nice pictures, although I still need to practise my night time photography.

Thyme to go

After last years success at collecting wild thyme in the finca, we went all out to collect as much as possible to make sure we didn't run out before next March. It is important to collect it before the flowers die off, as that greatly enhances the flavour. The difference to shop bought stuff is like chalk & cheese. Everything we put it in tastes just wonderful. As usual, our son has taken a bagfull back to England to pep up his own cooking.

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